
Frangepanni Films

Saturday, December 4, 2010

#reverb 10, Love Bomb and ItStartsWith.Us

In an effort to write more I joined a website called 750 words - which is just simply AWESOME! I had tried daily pages in the past (read some Julia Cameron for inspiration) but always seemed to 'forget' about it after a while. Having a daily email reminder to write my 750 words online makes it a lot easier to sit down and get typing. Mind you I've only completed my second day so I'll see how it goes. I have made the pledge to type 750 words every day in the month of January, so it's quite an incentive to keep it up! I especially love the stats I get at the end of the day. Especially cause both days have now ended up with a PG rating for sexual content. Typing bedroom in my words obviously has that affect on 750 words! LOL!

From 750 words a number of new blogs and websites have popped up on my horizon these last two days. Some of which are #reverb10, Love Bomb and ItStartsWith.Us.  I'm all about spreading the love these days.  The more you give the more you receive.  Check these websites out if you're into making the world a better place.

So #reverb10 - a chance to blog or journal on reflections of 2010 and manifestations you wish to happen in 2011.

I've got a bit of catching up to do what with it being December 4th already (the challenge started December 1st).  But at least I've got loads of excuses not to stop writing all the way till January 1st.  Even if only one person reads this (myself) I'll have accomplished enough in December to make entry into January the positive change I wish to see in my life.

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