
Frangepanni Films

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Work - Pleasure or Pain?

Do you work too much?

I once did, especially when it came to jobs I had no interest in pursuing other than to pay me money to stay alive. Unfortunately it always seems to be these kinds of jobs that I put all my effort into and then wonder why I can never pursue the things I love.

One of these such jobs is teaching ESL. I know about a handful of people out of the hundreds that I've worked alongside who actually do this job for a love of the actual job. I'm not saying that we don't enjoy working with our students or try to make the best of it, but teaching is definitely not a job you want to continue to strive in while simultaneously hating every moment.

There is so much that is expected of you by not only your students, but also your employers and ultimately no matter what happens you will be blamed as the teacher for any fall out.

I always said I never wanted to teach, so what did I end up doing? Yup! Teaching! Yawn. But all that's about to change. I've finally taken the plunge after a year and a half of making a good living teaching. I'm finally taking a course that will further my passions in writing. Of course this means I'm working harder because I'm teaching AND studying, but it makes a big difference when you are loving what you are doing. I hardly notice all the hard work that goes into my studying because it's enjoyable.

It's really never too late to make a change, although the powers that be would hate for you to know that. So if you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired in your current job do something about it. It doesn't and shouldn't have to be that hard to make money to live.  You may have to live more simply or sparingly to do more of what you love, but in the end isn't that worth it? Do you really need the latest iPhone or Blackberry? 

It's easy to get caught up in the 'working to live' mentality, but there is always the option to start 'living to work'. While you do still have to put food on the table remember that your happiness could still come first in order to do so as long as you believe it's possible.

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