
Frangepanni Films

Sunday, February 6, 2011

#reverb10/#reverb11 - a 2011 update

One month into 2011, what question(s) are you living? Are there any prompts/questions that arose during #reverb10 that are still resonating in your life? Are you living new questions?

One thing I know for sure is that every #reverb10 prompt got me thinking and it appears that it also got me sending out vibes into the universe that have culminated all the change that has taken place in my life so far in 2011.

I won't say I'm succeeding in everything that I wanted to achieve this year but I'm also still not in a position to do many of those things (and it is only the beginning of February!).  Out of the things I can accomplish here in Muscat these are the things that are proving to stick:

Writing - I'm on my 66th day of 750words, which is unbelievable (I can't believe how motivated I am to keep racking up those badges! Although my attachment to my badges and word count definitely isn't healthy or mindful of me).  I'm sure that the day I can't write and start back at the beginning again as an egg will really be the challenge.  However, right now I don't know how that will happen as I'm obsessed!  750words keeps me functioning!
I haven't started my first novel yet, or worked any further on my feature scripts, but I'm working on writing my blog everyday and have started a few articles for Tiny Buddha which I hope to submit. Right now my work schedule isn't allowing for much more writing and also the fact I've been sick. Being sick gives me time to sit and think, but I have no energy or passion to write my thoughts down.
I have been much better at letting go of my old self - by proving that when I love something I won't give up on it even if I doubt myself
I have also been better at planning less, living slower and going with the flow by not beating myself up over the things I don't achieve, but also not giving up on achieving those goals when the timing is finally right.
I'm still enjoying listening to Zencast and participating in Drop a Love Bomb, but my meditation practice has ground to a halt. It's the one thing I'm having trouble sticking to. I think that once I join a sangha in Savannah it will help. I need the inspiration of those who practice and experience the benefits around me to give me that boost I can't seem to find in myself.
I'm still teaching ESL and I didn't get a job out of all the ones I applied for, but this experience has been freeing and has taught me I don't have to plan everything out to a t. Life is giving me a chance to finally do what I love - freelance writing and film work - and I've got to grasp that offer while I can. It may never happen again.
I know that with no secure job on the horizon in July my chance to live with less stuff is now, in order to maintain a life that doesn't require a constant and steady flow of income. I am practicing presently although I wouldn't say I'm completely minimalist. That's not really my goal. My goal is to be mindful about my spending and why I need 'stuff' in my life.
I'm less prone to contact Facebook and email checking as I was last year but this is mainly due to the wisdom of @gwenbell and @evbogue whose current technological explorations have really made me think more mindfully about what I'm involved with online. 
I'm still as judgmental if not worse than I was, but this is because I've been taking less time to sit back, breath and live in the moment. Not meditating is a reason for this I'm sure, and once I have sorted that out I'm hoping this part of my personality will fall into line (a girl can dream!).
I'm so busy writing that I'm watching WAY less TV. This is also cause there's less on, but it's good for me and my life - so please OSN don't put any good shows on and my TV sabbatical will continue!
Unfortunately I'm still road raging, but I'm getting better at being mindful about the possibility of road raging before I get in the car. Gradually I'm becoming less concerned about what others think anymore, which is also why I'm willing to admit I'm a chronic road rager (I don't get out of my car or anything, but a few fists have been raised!). I'm still buying shoes (but it's under control because I'm succeeding in my financial goals) and I'm definitely dreaming less and doing more.
I'm so hopeful for the future, which my yoga practice helps with although due to being sick I haven't been able to practice as much as I've wanted to.

All in all I can't complain. If this is what the start of 2011 holds, just think what the end of 2011 will have brought!  Can't wait!

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