
Frangepanni Films

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

#reverb10 - December 15th

Only 10 more days till Xmas!  Hope you've all sent your letters out to Santa :D
Prompt: 5 minutes. Imagine you will completely lose your memory of 2010 in five minutes. Set an alarm for five minutes and capture the things you most want to remember about 2010.

  • The time I spent with my niece, who's just turned two, and reading non-stop to her this summer. She just loves books so much and is so gorgeous and inquisitive.  Also practicing my limited Spanish on her!  
  • The very special person I had known for a long time, but finally opened myself up to right at the time when I'd resigned myself to the fact that I would never meet anyone I could be in love with again.  
  • The realization that while I'm telling myself that i've given up hope - my soul never has.
  • The understanding that serendipity and fate really exist in my life if I'm willing to go with the flow and believe.
  • The realization that I absolutely need to taking a step back from my mental patterns and have way more compassion for myself than I've ever given myself in the past.
  • The important step of taking my health,  and mental and spiritual growth seriously.
  • The admission that I need writing in my life to stay a healthy person.  I need an outlet for the stories that have planted their seeds in my soul.  It's simply a matter of me taking them seriously, and watering and feeding them everyday so they can grow into the work that I know others will enjoy and I will benefit from.
  • That I absolutely need to stop being scared of opening up to people and give them a chance to enter my life.  
  • The realization that if I'm happy I will attract happiness into my life.  I've not had that for so long because I have refused to believe that I am deserving of happiness and that happiness is possible no matter what is happening in my life.  Happiness is a choice in the moment, not a destination to be sought after.
  • My willingness to question how much stuff I really need, and the understand that more things do not bring more happiness.
  • The development of my Buddhist practice and all I can benefit from and learn from very wise teachers if I simply seek the wisdom.
LOVED this prompt! <3

1 comment:

  1. I loved this prompt a lot too! And my niece was also my first memory. Aren't they wonderful? I can't wait to see her again in a week.

    And opening up to people is definitely also worth being one of the memories. It's such an important step in life. For me, it's a constant work in progress, but I'm glad I'm working on it. :)
