Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out?
The wisest decision I made this year was to take a three week vacation in Savannah, GA to visit my brother, sister-in-law and their baby. I wasn't sure about it due to personal things that I've been struggling with in the past few years. However, my mom told me that if I didn't go I'd regret it later.
It's really important as an expat to take vacations outside of the country you are living and working in. For as tolerant as expats can be, there is only so much you can take culturally and personally when living abroad, before a good does of the homeland and home culture is needed to recharge your batteries.
Going back to Savannah was one of the best moves I've ever made. Things just fell into place that I never expected. I got the chance to work with great friends and co-workers on a feature film they were shooting that summer. Fair enough I was only able to work on the film for a week, but I met so many great new people that it made up for the past year that I had pretty much been socially isolated. I realized how much I like Savannah and miss the place. It also helped me understand all the mistakes I had been making with the choices of the last few years.
My itchy TCK feet have always tried to drag me away from places when the going gets tough. The old adage 'the grass is always greener on the other side' is a motto I have lived my life by for over 10 years now. As a TCK it's very hard not to live this way. I definitely don't regret having lived this way for so long because it has allowed me to explore what I really value in life and it has also brought me to the place I am today. However, I no longer wish to live in socially isolated places that may make me money, but do nothing to enhance my own personal well-being. I no longer wish to live so far away from my family that I must travel for 24 hours to see them. I also no longer wish to live outside of my 'home country' of the US, which has really become my home over the last 10 years in ways that Scotland can never make up for.
I'm not saying that I will always feel this way and that I will never live 'abroad' again, but for right now I want to click my ruby red shoes and go 'home'. I want to build a community outside of the internet. I want to get involved in the things that make my life richer. I want to wear what I want when I want and I want to be able to make relationships that are true to me, rather than having to feel that I must hide my true self in order to respect my host culture.
I'm not saying I hate living abroad, because I don't. I love it. It's a great lifestyle and you learn so much about other people and yourself. It really gives you a global perspective on this world and all it's trials and tribulations. I just don't want to do it right now.
I know this decision is easily made, but not easily kept. It will be interesting to see what happens when the reality of my choice to move 'home' kicks in and the hardships start coming. I will probably want to bail as I always do, but at least I can say I made the decision to move back 'home' from a wise place that had lived and learned and come to realize that there is more to life than a great expat life and money.
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