Prompt: Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?
The last thing I made was a live recording of a May Day performance by the Omani band 123 Orion. It was rather a challenge due to the equipment available and the venue, but I did what I could. I shot the performance on 3 different home video cameras and then edited it at home using Final Cut Express, which I'm finally getting the hang of (I'm Avid trained).
It's definitely not my finest piece of editing ever, but you do what you can with your resources - mine here are limited. I added a few little touches the best I know how and I think it turned out pretty good - the band thinks so anyway. So far I've given them 2 videos of the 8 that I'm due them. So this week seeing as we have an extended weekend due to Islamic New Year I'll be working on getting those done and dusted. It has been 8 months! Need to put the past behind me and move on by getting projects finished that I've been holding onto for far too long.
I would love to start making videos for the Vimeo Weekend Project, but I just never seem to have the time, especially cause the weekend here is over by the time I get the info about the latest project. The last project sounded great - 20 steps - film ever 20 steps in one direction.
I FINALLY joined Vimeo about 6 months ago with the intention of getting short art pieces up on there - with the idea being that I would buy myself one of the new Canon SLRs, but that hasn't happened either. I guess right now I'm more wrapped up in my writing and sending out my thesis film to festivals - which in itself has taken 2 years! (There seems to be a theme here!)
However, as I read in the latest Tiny Buddha email that I got in my inbox today it appears that Scott Dinsmore is right - I need to 'plan less and live slower'. There's always this idea in the back of my mind that i'll pick up a camera - shoot a film out, edited it in the next week and have it in festivals by the end of the month. WHAT?
But luckily I've been paying more attention lately to the idea that timing is everything. If somethings not ready to happen it won't happen. While in many ways this way of 'procrastinating' could be seen as avoiding all the hard work that needs to be put into a film in order to get it made and out there in a decent amount of time it's funny the things that have occurred regarding my thesis because of the timing of things.
One things for sure I need to stop thinking so much about doing and start doing, but be glad that I can also trust in the flow of things and know that sometimes things happen when they do because it's meant to be that way.
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