
Frangepanni Films

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Don't only read about it. DO IT!

I love websites such as where you can find almost anything you may have questions about regarding screenwriting and sometimes even get a bit of inspiration for your work.

I tend to find, however, that the more I look at these kinds of websites the less writing I actually do.  I get so caught up in 'learning about my craft' that I forget to actually practice it.  It's also a great way to procrastinate when you are trying to avoid the actual work involved in 'writing'.

It's not the websites' fault, of course!  It's definitely mine.  I especially love it when I collect website upon website in my favorites folder that I believe will help me write better, when in actual fact they end up piled up in the 'go back to it later' folder.  I admit it - I rarely go back...

While I really do intend to read and learn more about my craft and use these websites as tools for improving on the skills I have already acquired, I can't stress enough to new screenwriters that the best way to learn about screenwriting is to write and to let others (who naturally have a respect for the craft) read your work.  Find someone you trust and allow them to comment on your script.  It's amazing what you can learn!  Even if it is just to correct your grammar and spelling mistakes!

Just because you're facing a blank screen alone, doesn't mean you should think of screenwriting as a solo-mission in which you have to reach the award level having done everything all by yourself. Just as filmmaking is a collaborative medium, so is screenwriting.  Without others to point out when you are telling instead of showing, or writing dialogue that only robots would say (great if you're writing the next big robot blockbuster) how will you ever improve?  Sure you can visit a screenwriting blog or website that gives you tit-bits on how to improve the dialogue or write correct format, but you still need that human being who is willing and interested and believes in you enough to sit down and keep turning the 90-120 pages of your script.

While reading about screenwriting may get the juices flowing or allow you to discover things you never knew about the screenwriting process, you do need to find yourself a writing/ reading buddy - someone who is kind, but honest and who can really help you take your script to the next level.  Otherwise you may spend a lot of time and money writing what you think is the 'next big thing', but which ultimately becomes the 'next big rejection'.

One warning about those writing/ reading buddies to end - if your writing/ reading buddy tells you that your writing sucks, find another writing/ reading buddy. Ultimately that kind of reaction tells you that they suck!  Everything has potential!

And don't give up.  Keep Writing! :D

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