18 year old LILY sits at a computer table in the corner of a small, dark bedroom cluttered with junk all over the floor and on top of the bed. She stares at the screen of a 13" MacBook, the screen lights up her eyes like stars. The computer is the only source of light in the room.
Lily types for a while before taking a swig of a can of coke, which she carefully places back into the only empty space on the desk.
Lily types some more before she turns around and grabs something from on top of what appears to be a stool covered with piles of clothing. She turns back to the computer and pulls a credit card out of a small envelope. She places the envelope behind the screen of the MacBook before carefully reading over the credit card as she types again. Finally, she hits one last button on the keyboard and then sits back in her chair.
She pulls a cellphone out of one of her jean pockets and looks at the screen, which tells her nothing more than the time. She puts the phone back in her pocket and pushes her chair backwards towards the bed, dragging clothes along the floor that get trapped under the wheels.
She drops her head between her knees and struggles to inhale. A hand clutches to her chest as she closes her eyes. She stays like this for a few more seconds before her breathing becomes normal again.
She sits up in the computer chair, takes a look around the room, gets up and then crawls onto the bed under piles of clothes until she disappears forming only a large lump in the middle of the bed.
The room is silent for a few seconds before the MacBook screen goes black shutting off all light in the room. After a few more seconds the bleeping of a cellphone can be heard.
Lily sits bolt upright in the bed displacing clothes onto the floor as she does so. She struggles to pull the cellphone out of her jean pocket. Once out, she sees there is one message on the phone which she opens. The message reads that a package will be delivered as requested tomorrow at 10am.
Lily's drops her hand to the bed and with it the phone, shrouding her face in darkness. Suddenly the phone goes flying across the room and hits a wall with a bang. Lily flops back down on the bed and pulls clothes up around and across her face. A short sharp scream emanates from under the clothing.
(Written while listening to Who I Am by Smile Empty Soul)
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