This awesome news made my stay in Charleston and while I wish I had gone to the Las Vegas Film Festival instead of the Charleston Festival, I feel that I learned a lot from the Charleston experience that I might not have realized had I gone to Las Vegas.
As with many things in the film world a lot of your success comes from the research that you do and the knowledge about the industry that you acquire from that research. Our producing professor Michael Nolin always told us to research like crazy when thinking about pitching, promoting, marketing or distributing our films. Question who your audience is - who is watching?
In hindsight I should have investigated further into the festival before deciding to travel down from New York to South Carolina as a screenwriting finalist - not the easiest way to do the festival circuit because it's not as if you can bring people along to read your script in the way you might if you are screening a film. However, as my first solo festival excursion it was very informative and I learned that while I didn't really meet anyone associated with the festival or the industry I did pitch my film to a local lady at a restaurant and have great conversations about the film world with every cab driver that took me back and forth from my hotel to the theatre. This led me to realize I am not as bad at networking as I previously thought - I just need to be smarter about how I go about networking and where I choose to do it!
Now...what to do with those 50 business cards I got printed?
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