As someone who has been buying organic religiously since I started living in New York I am fascinated to see what documentarian Robert Kenner has found to be going on behind the scenes in the food industry for years. When I mentioned the film to people that I work with their reaction is one of 'don't ask, don't tell'. While I understand this reaction in the face of learning the reality behind the food we have been eating for years, like most of the environmental issues we are facing today this head in the sand solution is no longer something I feel we can do. This is of course unless we are willing to sacrifice the future of generations to come for power, money and that quick filling bite that just doesn't quite taste as it should.
On the Current website there are links to other documentaries by European documentarians which will undoubtably never be shown on TV in the US but are definitely worth a look. The subject matter borders on conspiracy theory but as far as I'm concerned when it comes to aspects of life in which the people in power believe they can manipulate for more power and money there is no length they won't go to control for better or worse.
At a recent film festival Robert Kenner said that he didn't start out with this project to become the next Michael Moore. This will hopefully give Food Inc. more air time or credibility than people allow of Moore's films. I personally am a HUGE fan of Michael Moore's and wish there were more filmmakers out there willing to take the risks he takes to uncover the reality of what is happening in this country. I guess I will just have to wait to see whether this is also the case with Food Inc.
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