Tell us seven things you do when you procrastinate.
If it's a good day:
I get a snack, then I add a drink to my order. Then I'll turn on the TV just to see if Kendra is on, then I'll search the channels realizing there's nothing on and praying for a great On Demand movie, which there won't be. Following that I'll open every tab possible on Safari and Firefox just to see if anything interesting happened in the five minutes I was gone. Then I'll notice a dust bunny hopping quietly along the edge of the room and decide that the house really needs to be cleaned, like right NOW. Failing at all that as a means to procrastinate I'll wander the house sighing a lot in the hopes someone will engaged me in conversation as to why I'm sighing, at which point I can steer the conversation towards long, debatable topics.
If it's a bad day:
I'll stop, sit, breathe, watch my thoughts rising and then open up 750words and just let it all out. Before I know it I'll have written that 750, my procrastination will be squirming underneath me and I'll be well on my way to writing 8 more pages of my script or scribbling the beginnings of my novel.
I'd hate to think what I'd do if it was a terrible day! Bring them on!
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