Some days it seems as much as I might try and as much as I may want to I just can't write for the writing of it. I know I should sit and do my 15 min free write to get the juices flowing, but can't seem to find the right pen. Ideas come to mind of the various scripts sitting waiting for me to start marking the page, but the time just doesn't seem 'write'.
At these times there's nothing much that seems possible to do. I wonder if I should give up this writing mularkey for good. In what way am I a writer anyway when I can't even sit down and write? It's not that I don't want to write, but just simply that if I write I don't know what could possibly happen next, to my writing and then also to my life. Could I actually make a go of this career? What would that mean? Hours of solitude with the voices in my head pouring out onto the screen of my MacBook (which coincidentally has no free gigs of space left! Lucky that, huh?!) don't seem to be the way I wish to spend the majority of my time. Yet, I love it. I love more sharing those ideas with others and coming up with ways to make them better, but that can only be achieved when you've written the darned thing.
What if I never put pen to paper again? What would I do with all those scenes playing out in my head? Sit back and dream of what could have been? That doesn't seem like much of a prospect either.
So, instead I sit here and I write all this mindless babble into a compose box. Thankfully, while I'm moaning and groaning about the act of writing that in itself has allowed me to achieve the one thing that will keep me writing, keep the ideas flowing - I've written it all down. Fair enough it might not be the most interesting thing to read, but the act of writing is one that many a writer has struggled with and just goes to show that even writing your shopping list down can be enough to keep the ink flowing for another day. Check out Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott if you don't believe me.
As my weekly compulsive blog read from said today 'Take the action' even if it is just to write down the alphabet. Once you start those ABCs there nothing stopping you from getting to z.
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